Taking care of the roof is a wise investment that protects your home from wind and water damage. More importantly, it keeps you and your family safe and comfortable. But roof repairs aren’t always a straightforward process. Keep reading to explore three of the most common questions to discuss with your roof repair insurance company.

What Does the Adjuster Examine When Inspecting the Roof?

If you file a claim with your insurance company, an inspector or adjuster will visit your home to examine the damage. For example, if you file a claim due to hail damage, the inspector will check the roof for signs of dented or damaged shingles, granule loss on asphalt shingles and cracks in the roof ventilation system or flashing. If you file a claim for wind damage, the adjuster checks for signs of missing or lifted shingles, torn or damaged flashing and loose or displaced roofing material.

Whatever the reason for filing the claim, it’s important to take precautions. You can do this by placing a tarp over the damaged area, which will safeguard both the roof and the inside of your house until an adjuster can visit your home.

Are My Rates Going to Go Up If I File a Claim?

Filing a claim for roof damage doesn’t necessarily mean your insurance rate will go up. There’s very little chance it will go up unless you’ve filed several other claims or your local area receives an enormous amount of storm damage.

What Happens If My Claim Doesn’t Go Through?

If your claim doesn’t go through, it doesn’t mean you’re out of luck. You can always obtain a second opinion from a public adjuster. People often do this when they believe the insurance adjuster didn’t do a good job assessing the damage.

The most important thing to do when filing a claim for a roof repair is to document all damage. Write down and take pictures of exactly what happened, when it happened (date and time), and any precautions you took to limit the damage. Once you’re ready to have the damage fixed, give us a call. In addition to fixing roof damage in Lake Saint Louis, we also specialize in siding and gutter installation and repair. Give Brody Allen Exteriors a call today to schedule an appointment for a roof repair.

Stephen Allen

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